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Pateder D.B., Ferguson C.M., Ionescu A.M., Schwarz E.M., Rosier R.N., Puzas J.E., O’Keefe R.J. (2001). PTHrP expression in chick sternal chondrocytes is regulated by TGF-beta through Smad-mediated signaling. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 188(3): 343-51. PMID: 11473361

Ionescu A.M., Schwarz E.M., Vinson C., Rosier R.N., Reynolds P.R., O’Keefe R.J. (2001). PTHrP modulates chondrocyte differentiation through AP-1 and CREB signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276(15): 11639-47. PMID: 11136722